Thursday 1 October 2009

Not so glossy for me!

Hola from Spain

Isn´t that just typical, you go away for a few days well deserved holiday and two mega´s turn up on the patch......Yeah you´ve all heard about the glossy ibis, I heard about it form lots of people, even here in Tarifa!! Seemingly it´s still there according to the Boulmer Birder who texted me today.

But Ian Fisher texted to say whilst he was looking from the ibis he had a JAY! I´ve never seen jay at druridge and to be honest a glossy ibis will probably turn up again before a jay does!

I´ve seen glossy ibis this week near cadiz but it jusn´t the same!

Hopefully it will still be there next Wednesday


Toonfalcon said...

Hi Ipin

I was delayed going out to Spain so it is a pity that we didn't meet up. I too witnessed autumn migration in all its glory at Cazalla/Tarifa as well - simply fantastic !. I also dipped twice on the Glossy before I left. Finally caught up with it this evening at Bells Pond.

Regards Paddy Heyland

Warren Baker said...

well you will go away on holiday! :-)

Stewart said...

Roppa I'll be doon the pools on Tuesday with the catty....

Oh, the Jay was there last week too, I forgot to mention it...

Blyth Birder said...

Still there.

And now a Buff-breast has joined it.

Ipin said...

Stewart, was Jay a Druridge tick for you?