Saturday 19 June 2010


A very pleasant afternoon was spent  in Bob Biggs' garden with a smattering of local birdwatchers for another one of Bob's excellent fund-raising garden parties.

I got a call from Dave Dack to say he was at Newbiggin and had seen an adult long-tailed skua, so my mind was made up, a seawatch was in order. I did an hour between 7 & 8 and it was pretty quiet, 7 manx sheawaters and a single dark phase arctic skua being the highlights.

An hour in the little hide produced a brood of six gadwall duckilings and three broods of mallards. When I was wasn't owl watching on Thursday night, I had a brood of four gadwall and a brood of six shoveler.

Still no cuckoo.....

Ringing at Gosforth tomorrow....

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