Monday 14 June 2010

Dogs in Northumberland

No Druridge this weekend, I was at the Download festival at Castle Donington, watching the greatest live band in the world ever and some other really cool bands.

I 'popped in' this evening for a little while, not much doing.... I need to get down with the strimmer asap to cut the grass in front of the hides, yer can't see ooot! I did get a couple of moths pics, but they will have to wait until later in the week too.

I and many other Northumberland bloggers often mention dos and dog walkers, often in an negative way, well, the Coonty Cooncil are currently consulting on a range of proposed new dog control orders.

Have your say at


Ghost of Stringer said...

My say has been had !

Particularly highlighted controlling disturbance to roosting waders,controlling dogs at sensitive sites with ground nesting birds, and instant kickings...... errrrr...... I mean “fines” for those selfish bastards who fail to clean up their dogs mess.

Citybirding said...

I've had my say also. I'm sick of being charged by out of control dogs and having to do my dog whisperer thing.

Warren Baker said...

I wish all councils would take this approach. Poxy dog walkers!!

Stewart said...

Howld on there! I'm a daily dogger ( walker that is). There is dog legislation that states that dogs are allowed on common or arable land and verges with a speed limit of over 40 mph. So thats where my hound shites!

As for disturbance, Gary, what about racing motorcyclists? Why should I have to stick to road laws but they dont? How many animals are killed or disturbed by those? Up here is like frigging Donnington every sunny weekend.

So each to their own and live and let live eh...

Ghost of Stringer said...

I too am a dog owner... but I must stand by my words.... because, as you know Stewart, I am a stubborn, opinionated, old git !!

Every time I walk the local paths (around arable land) I am dodging land mines all the time, tbh I couldn’t give a flying fart about regulations, the fact is it's totally disgusting for anyone walking in those areas !

When it comes to slaughtering wildlife on the roads, I can’t help feeling cars have a lot more to answer for than bikes..... I have been riding bikes for 20 years and I admit I am guilty of killing hundreds of flies. The only other wildlife I have ever personally seen struck by a bike is a pheasant that headbutted my mate a couple of years ago.....

In terms of actual damaging disturbance to birds, snuffling out ground nesting birds, or disturbing roosting waders in the depths of winter, I really don’t think motorbikes compare to the ability of "out of control" dogs. In terms of causing annoyance on the roads, going too fast, with noisy exhaust pipes, I think the "out of control" bikes may well have it.

Hmmm..... I like treading in dog turds, but I also like listening to motorbikes screaming around the countryside, shattering the peace and quiet...... but which one is better ?

Only one way to find out.......

........ FIGHT !!