Managed to get out to the Budge screen, but the edge of the wood was a wind tunnel, so didn't spend to much time lookin for the firecrest, no sign whilst I was there, there was chiffy though, first of the year at Dru for me. ST turned up and gave me some camera advice, also reckons I should get a 1.7 tele-converter...could be useful for China methinks....then it started to snow... so not much chance to play with my new toy, the forecast looks awful for the week ahead, snow turning to rain, but still cold.

I didn't really leave the car after that, there was a smart male wheatear at the north end, managed only a very poor record shot, which is even too embarrassing for me to put on here! Nowt else of note.
NWT seemed to have completed the work to put an access into their meadows from the National Trust land, one less excuse for no grazing next July. I've got to admit, the pools are the best I have seen them since grazing stopped five years ago, the few cows that are on have done a canny job, but it still needs a good blitzing next July. I must phone them and recommend Camargue horses.

Well i'm off to ebay tele-converter shopping.....
84. chifchaff
85. wheatear
86. gadwall
It certainly is winter once again.
Been watching bats, bees, 3 species of butterfly, a few moths, ladybirds and masses of frogs this week.
How does this cold snap effect them?
Advice- you cannot call that advice.
click on st then 'oops' to see the difference a tele -con makes.
just thought blyth birder uses a finepix fuji camera thats why the telecon fits his.
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