Sunday 6 December 2009

Tree O'clock

Yesterday was Tree O'Clock, an attempt by BBC Breathing Places to break the world record for tree planting. The idea was that everyone had to plant a tree between 11 and 12 o'clock yesterday follow this link for further information.

We got a free cherry tree from Focus DIY for Tree O'clock last week and I had a rowan which we got free from last years County Show healed into the garden, so 11am yesterday I planted them at Druridge, before zooming off to Newcastle to watch the Toon.

The cherry tree
The rowan tree
Both rowan and cherry are really good for birds and should do well here. Rowan is my favorite British Tree, it has everything - attractive bark, autumn colour, stunning bright red fruit and nice blossom in the spring.


Stewart said...

Me an'all Iain Rowans and Birch are my best...maybe its our Northumberland heritage showing through...

Ipin said...

Aye Stewart, we've got Bloody Cranesbill as our county flower, I reckon Rowan should be our County Tree

Alan Tilmouth said...

I quite like Alder always good for Redpolls so I'm told.

Warren Baker said...

well done Ipin,
I planted an Oak out on the fields, it was growing in my garden, thought it had a better chance out in the 'wild'.

Ipin said...

Warren, it's always a case of the right in the right place and I reckon your Oak woul dbe happier in the countryside and so would your foundations!