Tuesday 9 September 2008

Still some birds about

Overcast S1-2 mild

Although a lot of the weekends 'fall' birds have cleared out, there are still a good few around. I went to Druridge before work this morning, just for an hour and a bit, only birding the entrance willows, the next clump of bushes and around the Budge screen. Still got 6 redstarts, 5 pied fly, 3 spotfly and several willow warblers and blackcaps....still no wryneck

Two pairs of yellow wag flew south calling within minutes of each other, three whimbrel flew south and the juvenile marsh harrier was perched on the fence across the Budge fields for the whole time I was there.

It looks as though there maybe easterlies forecast for Saturday and Sunday - fingers crossed!

Crap record shot of marsh harrier

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