Friday 27 April 2012


With reports of wrynecks, ring ouzels and black redstarts from elsewhere on the coast yesterday, I decided to head to Druridge for a quick pre-work wander.

My first bird was a migrant and a year-tick but not a exciting as it could have been, a wheatear on the wall near the cottages which I was checking for black redstarts. I have seen more black redstarts on the walls by the cottages than anywhere else at Druridge. After the wheatear, migrants were thin on the ground.

I was a bit depressed by the lack of birds by the time I reached the north-end of the patch until I scanned the fields beyond the haul road and spotted this...

Some of the 75 blackwits
This tiny pool had attracted at least 75 black-tailed godwits, vying for space with the black-headed gulls. I only had my bins, but they all looked like islandica race to me.

Not much else of note. I checked RBA at lunchtime, someone had reported a garganey at 'Druridge'...I am presuming it was at the pools, there was no sign of it at 6.30am.

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