Tuesday 12 April 2011

Retired Birders 3: Ipin 0

Another day of garganeys being seen at Druridge for what appears to be most of the day by the massed ranks of retired Northumbrian birdwatchers. I arrive after work, no sign, despite staying until dusk.

And it gets worse, Trevor Blake called me today and slipped into the conversation that he'd seen a male ring ouzel in front of the Budge screen...last Thursday!! Ring ouzel would've been a new bird for the patch for me. He did call me but I didn't answer. humph!

I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have a patch where nobody else goes to. Living in blissful ignorance of anything you didn't find for yourself. It would be a lot more satisfying and a lot less stressful! I'll have to ask Stewart what its like!

Anyhow, a black redstart was found this morning by some of the massed ranks of retired birders (I need a collective noun for these people - any thoughts?) in the 'Druridge Bushes' which made up for the disappearing garganeys. 

first year male (probably) or female black redstart
A crap photo, but the light wasn't good. I've not seen a black redstart on the patch since 2007 (although others have), the bushes were the last place I would have looked, they are normally to be found around the hamlet/entrance. That's me on 98 species for the year, will I break the ton tomorrow when I do my third mapping visit?

98 black redstart


Richard Dunn said...

I can think of one, on second thoughts, it's not very polite, and you know how polite I am...

Johnnykinson said...

Retirders...........sounds a bit didgy

The Liverbirder said...

The Garganey's are beating me 5 - 0at present, so you're not the only disappointed one. had two groups of reputables yesterday giving me two viewpoints (??), the BUdge and the South-facing Hide and zilch from both!

Ghost of Stringer said...

Don't worry Iain, at least they're not purple herons or red rumped swallows you are missing ! I'm sure Druridge will get another ring ouzel, probably in your mist net...

Ring ouzel at Newton on Saturday too...

Warren Baker said...

I often wonder what I miss whilst at work Ipin :-) I'm Just glad there aren't any 'olduns' telling me about it!!