Friday 22 April 2011


I love living on the Northumberland Coast.....most of the time.

The only problem is, sea frets! All it takes is one or two sunny days and a light easterly and we get banks of fog rolling in of the North Sea. Five miles inland it can be a beautiful sunny day, I get home or down to Druridge and it is a proper pea-souper and a temperature difference of ten degrees C!

We've had sea frets (or the Ha') since Wednesday evening now, yesterday and today in hardly budged at all from the coast.

So, this morning I set out to do my territory mapping visit in less than ideal conditions, relying on my ears rather than my eyes more than usual. Two of the more recently arrived breeding species were giving it some! Grasshopper warbler (at least eight reeling birds on the patch) and willow warblers. The residents breeders like reed bunting, chaffinch and dunnock have gone a lot quieter and the poor wrens haven't even started.

Two new arrivals today, single sedge warbler and whitethroat singing. On the passage front, any hirrundine movement was obscured by the fret, wheatears were numerous with at least 15 counted along with five white wagtails.

Tomorrow we are doing a ringing demo at Ellington Pond, so if you're in the vicinity call in, we'll be there from 10am until 2pm.

103 sedge warbler
104 whitethroat


Richard Dunn said...

I was up your way on Wednesday and had two of the Avocets fly north, a first for me at Dru

Northumbrian Birding said...

I last saw Avocets at Druridge in April 08 I think they where only there briefly.
Ellington Pond ,had a Long Tailed Duck on there many years ago, I wonder how many birders stop here for a look .