Painted ladies
and these (Silver Y moths)

and a few of these (common darters)

one of these (greenshank)

and two of these (migrant hawkers)

and one of these (small copper)

but there wasn't one of these (curlew sandpiper taken by Ian Fisher yesterday)

There was also a juvenile marsh harrier, a common sandpiper and five red-throated divers and an arctic skua offshore
In my moth trap last night there was one of these very strange beetles, i haven't got a clue what it is - any ideas?
Also, are any other bloggers having trouble moving photos around? I used to be able to drag and drop them, now I can't and now text appears randomly??

Have you changed the justifcation in the upload? i.e left/right/centre/none
Alan, I had it centred, but then the links for the photos (to make them full size) wouldn't work??
Aye, mine do that randomly despite me not doing anything different. I put it down to one of those quantum physic theories about particles spontaneously appearing Mr Benn like then buggering off again.
Ipin. Your beetle is a Nicrophorus sp. One of several similar Sexton Beetles.
Sexton Beetles! when did he get a beetle named after him? That beetle is a bit of a looker so obviously misnamed.
I think it keys out to be Nicrophorus investigator. I hate getting these in the trap - they usually stink and are covered in mites. The big black Nicrophorus humator is the worst.
Before you publish your blog, have a look at the 'Edit HTML' view - often you can see where a carriage return is needed, and you can cut paste the code for the photo.
He heh heh SEXTON Beetle! Dont touch, they stink and have been living on a dead creature recently so god knows what they carry...we used to find them in failed nest boxes...Stewart Sexton...
Thanks for the photo advice, in the latest post I centred the piccie and again, the link doesn't appear?
Skev, the beetle did stink and it was covered in mites - there were three in the trap on Thursday!
Enjoyed your Druridge Pond photos,specially the Greenshank,I managed to snatch a couple of shots,one where hes got a fish in his beak tho I didnt know that at the time.
love all of youre stuff.
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