Wednesday 2 April 2014


I managed two visits to the patch today - I love April when the days get longer.This morning I had quick wander through the dunes, looking for migrants and then a look on the Budge fields for garganey, I saw neither.

This evening, I had a walk along the haul road and bumped into ADMc. We saw both of the black redstarts well, one appears to be somewhat paler (a female) and the other a little darker but not dark enough to be an adult male (first winter male?).

After Andy had headed off through the gloom on his bike, I had a short look on the big pool from the bushes. A small bird in the willows gave a short, metallic, high-pitched call and then flitted off, my thoughts turned to firecrest as there are a few around at the moment, but were soon dashed - goldcrest! Still, spring goldcrests are rare at Druridge, they are normally an autumn species.

From the edge of the little reedbed, a water rail called then was seen heading for cover. I've still not seen sand martin at Druridge yet, but had six at Lesbury today.

95 goldcrest
96 water rail

PWC Score 119

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