Saturday 30 October 2010

Ringing Recovery

We've just had word of another ringing recovery from Druridge. We don't get many recoveries, so it's quite exciting when we do - even if they've not gone very far.

This one didn't get very far...

It was a goldfinch, ringed by me on 31st October 2009, it was caught on 29th June 2010 at Swarland, having travelled all of 13km!

View Goldfinch X370587 in a larger map

I was ringing at Cherryburn today, we didn't catch much, two redwings were the highlight. I won't get to Druridge tomorrow either as there is a rather important football match to attend....everything is crossed!


Science at Coates said...

Hi Iain did u get email about sanderlings? Two birds in the bay one u recorded earlier.
send email address

Science at Coates said...

David Elliott

must be reasonably contented worth a shandy to celebrate?????

Ipin said...

Hi Dave, I did get the email thanks and yes, one or two shandies were consumed yesterday afternoon.....