Saturday 24 July 2010



Stef McElwee called me today to say he had not one, but two black-throated divers offuv Druridge, black-throated is a scarcity in these parts so I was keen to see them and would have normally dashed down there, but they would have to wait. Important tasks took precedence, I had JWR over re-pointing the gaping cracks in the brickwork in my house, to make it water-tight (hopefully) for the winter.

After completing all of my chores, I made it down to Druridge just after 7pm, after scanning the sea, picking up five or so summer-plumaged red-throated divers I picked up a single black-throated, right on the northern edge of the patch, so far north it may well have been technically over the patch boundary, in probably was.

But, as I had toiled all day, it was going on the list! Thanks for the call, Stef!

Also of note were 5 whimbrel (two south, three on beach), 1 arctic skua, c270 common scoters, 2 manx shearwaters and some gypsies with a massive yarkin geet fire.

129 black-throated diver

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