Janet and I were testing the big whoosh net, it worked OK but we didn't catch any of the goldfinch that were there, we need to get some more practice, but on a warmer day, our fingers were frozen by the time we dismantled it.

Druridge was pretty bleak, though I did get a year tick long-tailed duck on the sea, it was actually quite close in but the sea wasn't and I couldn't be arsed to walk down and try to photograph it. I did manage to photograph this little grebe though. Other than a woodcock and 4 tufties there was little else of note.
More crap pager messages over the weekend....if you put these on, OWN UP!!
Bramblings in Cramlington and Wallsend and 120 pink-footed geese at Holywell Pond - there are 4000 pink feets flying back and forward over my house every day, I don't phone RBA and stick them on!
Do you know where abouts in Cramlington the Bramblings were seen? Along with Blackcaps they are my bogey birds. I agree with you about the sightings of geese and swans, I'm getting sick of seeing reports of Waxwings everywhere, there not that good.
Get your reports filtered to scarce and rare in Northumberland... then you won't have to wade through the drossy geese....
But if you really want reports of things like snow bunting at Dru then you'll just have to accept that other local patchers are going to report their stuff.... Best dross message I ever saw related to 8 tufted ducks and a mallard on a farm pond somewhere !!
...Or you could scrap the idea altogether and rely on a mate with a pager to relay reports to you...
....Or you could just make sure you bird the place everyday so you miss very little.. 8)
I personally adopt the total denial approach..... I am my own 1 man NS records committee, if birds are reported on the patch they are not accepted unless I’ve seen em myself !! That way I see everything !!
Re- the CRC, they do seem to like a feather by feather account, but I guess that’s their role innit..... photographs will undoubtedly help the situation.....
Gary - no metter what anyone says they're on my list! I do like to know what been seen on me patch tho...
tight fisted twat - look out for blackbird and songy on the pager next week. happy christmas
love tony
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