Monday 25 February 2008


Was at Dru this morning, it was blimmin freezin (and I have man-flu!) with a bitingly cold SW wind, 80 goldfinch on my oats but no skylark..not much else, did some coppicing around the net rides with Janet and Kevin from the National Trust so hopefully our hard work will pay dividends with a mega or two later in the year. I didn't take any pics because we had to carry all the chainsaw kit in, but I will get some on a brighter day. The forecast is for more severe winds over the next day or so...bugger!

Got some news back on my colour ringed black-headed gull from Amble, it's been there before, virtually an annual (must be the chips form the harbour chippy!!). here is the data:

White ring with black J72J Ringing Centre Stavanger Ringnumber 6142906 Ringer Kjetil A. Solbakken
Species Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) Sex X Age 3cy+ Date 05.04.2005
Place Nidarø, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, NORWAY Coordinates 63.26 N - 10.24 E
Date Locality Coordinates Finder No of days Remarks
03.01.2006 Amble, , Northumberland, ENGLAND 55.51 N - 01.30 W Neil Renwick 273 Harbour
13.02.2006 Amble, , Northumberland, ENGLAND 55.51 N - 01.30 W Ian Davidson 314 Harbour

Nothing on the herring gull yet.


Stewart said...

Thats a great record there Iain. I love owt like that....Imagine if they could speak. The locals wouldn't understand it! Mind saying that, the Amble residents that breed on Coquet might hjave strange accents too....

Ipin said...

Well if the people are anything to go by...(only joking), although we were just saying if you took someone from Hertfordshire or Gloucs and dropped them in ASDA in Ashington on a Tuesday afternoon and didn't tell them where they were, they would presume it was a foreign land, even I struggle and I went to Ashy high!

Stewart said...

Funny I don't have any trouble?

Phrases like these just trip off the tongue -

'Watch wat ya dein doon them pernds cos thas sum queer gannins ern doon theor ahl tip yi'.( Be aware that there may be some anti-social behaviour at the local nature reserve)

Wey nert likely. Ivvoriberdy doon the resorve pernds aal tairk the saym, divvent thi. ( Oh not likely, everyone at the local nature reserve all talk the same)


'Ah varnigh fell owa 'n brock me neck ern thon ramp.'( I almost tripped and caused a spinal injury on that disabled access to the hide)


Doon the bay y'll het ti put ya wellies ern cers its upt the riggins o'cleoarts ( Be sure to wear suitable footwear at the local nature reserve because its muddy)


Ipin said...

Are yeee wurn uh therm borrdwatchas, ahh hurp its the wurns wi legs ya watchin.....hey hey hey (you have to do an over-the-top wink at the end!!)

Anonymous said...

A Norwegian ringed bird then, Ipin.
Was it a result of the contact i mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Have a look at the Ringing Report in BiN 2005 for details of when this bird first turned up at Amble!


Stewart said...

Ahl he eny type o'bords me, ahm not owa fussy ye na. Wen yara bordwatcha ye tek wat ye ken get.