Monday 29 March 2010

First Census

Way back at the start of 2010, or even earlier, I decided that my focus for the year would be to to a Common Bird Census (CBC) style survey of the whole patch. Bird Census Techniques (Bibby et al) recommends a mid march start for the first visit with visits every 10 days or so after that.

Druridge being oop north, I opted for later start, but not this late.

I was working at Birmingham NEC all weekend so today was my only option and to be honest, conditions were not optimal to say the least, so much so that the rain scuppered my efforts with about a quarter of my route to complete - so not a good start.

Birds were thin on the ground, reed buntings were evident with four singing males, only four singing wrens which is a bit worrying and the only singing chiffchaff I had was in the dunes!

For stuff not covered by the survey, a few grey herons lifted out of the heronry when I went by, there were still lots of duck on the Budge fields and eight mutes swans flew S. A female wheatear was the only migrant.

The forecast for the next few days looks a bit dicey, heavy snow inland which may or may not reach the coast, but it's going to be wet whatever. As a result I have postponed my planned week off work and am going back tomorrow taking next week off instead, lets hope my gamble pays off....... Metcheck's long range forecast predicts a prolonged cold spell beyond Easter with a continuous northerly for the whole week - that'll slow migration down a bit!

89 linnet
90 greenfinch


Warren Baker said...

That weather forecast makes sense - THATS THE WEEK I'VE BOOKED OFF!!

Good luck with the new census anyway.

Stewart said...

Thats great, what we get every spring.