There were a few birds on the move this morning, including two year ticks! A spotshank flew over heading SW calling and a single (lesser) redpoll flew south, taking the year list to 152. Also over were five....yes FIVE grey wags, 2 whooper swans, 41 pink feet, 21 greylag, 4 siskin and 9 skylark.
The National Trust vols were burning the shit left behind by the gypo's.

Ringing totals
goldcrest 5 + 1 retrap
chaffinch 1
chiffchaff 2
goldfinch 11 + 1 retrap
greenfinch 1
robin 1
blue tit 1
great tit 1
coal tit 2
song thrush 2
wren 1
long-tailed tit 6 + 1 retrap
151 spotted redshank
152 lesser redpoll
Sould have burnt the fucking caravans too...
Nice of those people to come back and clear up their own mess!
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