Sunday 27 June 2021

Patch Tick

A patch tick today - not a bird but a new dragonfly for the patch. Broad-bodied Chaser. The species had been reported a couple of times earlier in the week so I was pleased to catch up with them today. 

I saw the female first, sat motionless on a dead stick.

Female Broad-bodied Chaser

A few minutes later a male flew in from somewhere, perched briefly and was off.

Male Broad-bodied Chaser

A nice addition to the patch odonata list. 

There were lots of damselflies on the wing today, all Blue-tailed and Common Blue that I could see. 

Two different forms of female Blue-tailed Damselfly

A few hovers were out on the Hemlock Water Dropwort and along the path. 

Helophilus pendulus (m)

Syritta pipiens  - Thick-legged hoverfly

Syritta pipiens  - Thick-legged hoverfly
 - female

Eristalis pertinax (m)

On the Budge fields, a single summer-plumaged Spotted Redshank, Little Ringed Plover and Dunlin were noteworthy. No sign of the two Spoonbill reported earlier. Offshore the scoter flock is starting to build with c120 in the Bay. 

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