Sunday 4 November 2012


This morning was a lovely, bright, crisp morning at Druridge. There was hardly any wind, it was quiet.  No geese overhead, the wigeon were silent on the pools - even the tourists were quiet....silence!

It was also quiet on the birding front. Dave Elliott had a whinchat yesterday which had been seen by others today, but not me. Shame that, good November bird.

A small tit-flock moved through the bushes which included at  least 3 coal tits and a mixed finch flock moved around, mostly goldfinch with a few greenfinch and lesser redpoll, the siskin appeared to have moved through.

coal tit

Goldfinch -  a juvenile, still in post-juvenile moult. You can just see some red feathers growing into the crown

I bumped into Roger Foster and we had a look on the sea which was a long way out. There were good numbers of shag (20+), 24 red-throated divers, eight razorbills and a handful of gullies. 28 sanderlings were on the beach.

There are loads of burs on the burdocks in the dunes in the dunes this year, my strides and fleece jacket were covered in them and so was this poor cow!

Nice head-dress! 

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